While we handle the high-quality server administration, automation, and cohesive team-management, you'll be delivering increased production with lower costs - Excellent.

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Based in Seattle, WA, Fuzzy Logic serves clients worldwide with a focus on virtualization, server administration, communication, and deployment. We assist development and operations teams in leveraging the power of the latest technologies to deliver solid products that are efficient, faster to market, and customer-friendly.

Our clients operate in diverse fields such as digital media, data analytics, healthcare, social networking, and banking; what they have in common is the need for fast deploy times, smooth automation, and secure, performant servers at a reasonable cost.

Fuzzy Logic founder Lee Whalen has been a high performance sysadmin for over a decade, beginning as a collegiate server manager and email/DNS administrator. In a parallel universe, he’s performed, recorded, and toured as a professional bassist for artists in Seattle, New York, and Boston. If you want to talk jazz, funk, or a completely different kind of ‘gig’, he always enjoys a good distraction.